Top 7 big exhibitions to see in 2018 – a must for a big artists’ lover – which I put on my list this year. There are more great exhibitions planned out there – I love this exhibition selection made by Guardian, with selected hotels and exhibition dates.

Galerie OSCAR is going to see this year:

  1. Pablo Picasso in Tate Modern, London
  2. Eugene Delacroix in The Louvre, Paris
  3. Rembrandt in Scottish National, Edinburgh
  4. Alberto Giacometti in Guggenheim Bilbao, Bilbao
  5. Dada is Dada in Bildmuseet Umea, Sweden
  6. Andy Warhol after Munch in Munch Museum, Oslo
  7. Frida Kahlo in Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest

And of course, I am going to visit Louisiana museum of modern art in Denmark, but that is mostly because I always do that when coming to Copenhagen. I make a half day trip out of the art visit, having lunch there while admiring the sea view!


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by Segan + Selandia