Beauty. Beautifying ourselves. For our own and others pleasure…I do love beauty and hair salons, the spas and massage clinics. Feeling good, feeling worthy of self-love. When galerie OSCAR was asked to source artworks for the newly opened Nilda Stella Institute in a prominent address in Nice, I got excited.


Choosing the right artwork for a given interior is the key to an esthetically and inspirationally integrated environment. We have chosen to exhibit a series of “Soul Sisters”. Soul Sisters have the intention to remind the viewer of keeping personal integrity in spite of pieces falling apart sometimes.


I met the founder and owner of the Nilda Stella Institute November last year and she (powerful yet gentle and warm beauty) was herself one of the inspirations for the commissioning our artist EJ to create this integrated collection.


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copyright 2011-2021 © galerie OSCAR

by Segan + Selandia